Rotary District 9220 - Polio Plus in India

February 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

8 February 2010 - Vaccination in villages

The 8th of February, was focused on vaccinating children by going from home to home in a particular village, to ensure that all children in that village received the polio drops. There was again a tremendous show of acceptance by the parents and gratefulness showed on their face that so many “foreigners” had come to their tiny village to help them. Was it curiosity? But our mission was accomplished amongst babies crying, mothers emotionally appreciative, onlookers, etc…..

Le 8 fevrier,etait consacre au porte a porte! Nous avions comme tache de verifier que les enfants des differents villages avaient bien recu leur gouttes de vaccin. Encore une fois nous avons ete acceuilli avec gentillesse. Les villageois nous ont ouvert tres volontier les portes de leurs maisons. Les villageois etaient tres reconnaissant envers nous, les "etrangers", qui avaient fait un si long chemin pour venir dans leur modeste village . Nous avions accomplis notre mission. Les enfants ont ete vaccines a la grande joie de leurs meres.

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