Rotary District 9220 - Polio Plus in India

February 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NID: February 7, 2010

Each group "vaccinated" several children. It was the most memorable sight, seeing children with their mothers/fathers held in their arms waiting to be inoculated…..the biggest satisfaction one gets when the mother tells you "Thank you for saving my child from the polio", the brightness in their eyes, the emotional thankfulness they showed…..We could say, "mission accomplished"….........

Chaque group a pu "vacciner" un nombre important d'enfant. Ce fut un moment inoubliable de notre vie: Voir ces enfants , accompagnes de leurs peres, meres ou grand-parents attendre pour recevoir le vaccin. Une satisfaction inegalable. Entendre une mere vous dire dans sa langue "Merci d'avoir sauver mon enfant!". Sentir cette gratitude. On pouvait se dire, "Mission accompli"........

Deux petits gestes qui sauvent: 2 gouttes de vaccin et l'auriculaire de la main gauche colorie en noir avec un marqueur!

Two simple things that save a life: 2 drops of vaccin and a painted nail !

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