Rotary District 9220 - Polio Plus in India

February 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

DIRN Shakar Metha

DIRN Shakar Metha , Membre du Rotary Club Central Calcutta etait egalement present a la reunion et il nous a fait part des differents projets qu'il souhaite mettre en avant. Les activites pour les 3 ans a venir comprennent notamment 500 chirurgies cardiaques, la creation de 10 banques de "Pacemaker", de 50 hopitaux des yeux, de 100 centre de "telemedicine". Dans le domaine de l'education 10 ecoles seront ouverts ("State of the art schools for poor children"); Dans le cadre de l'environnement, il souhaite planter 10million d'arbres dans les ecoles, creer un parc, construire des reservoires et des toilettes publiques. 400 Swamhiman (ecoles professionelles) seront construites; Il y a egalement la fabrication de "shelter kits" repondant aux besoins des locaux dans l'eventualite de desastres meterologiques futures.... Il ne s'agit la a titre d'exemple, que de quelques un des projets envisages par le RIDN Shakar Metha!.
DIRN Shakar Metha who is a member of the Rotary Club Central calcutta was present at the meeting and he shared with us his ambitious futur projects. The service activities for the incoming 3 years starting July 1, 2010 includes the following: In the Health sector, it is plan to perform 5000 heart surgeries, to built 10 pacemaker banks, 50 eye hospital and 100 health centres with telemedicine; in the education sector, 10 State of the art schools for poor children will be built; as regards environment sector, 10 million trees will be planted in schools, a Rotary peace Park will be created as well as 400 check dams and 100 buildings for water harvesting in cities; firthermore 30,000 toilets in rural and urban areas will be built; As regards empowerment, 400 Swabhiman (vocational) centers will be built; And in the disaster management sector it is plan to prepare shelter kits which will respond to the needs of local people in case of disaster... These are only examples of the projects presented by RIDN Shakhar Metha!