Rotary District 9220 - Polio Plus in India

February 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Visite des projets du Rotary Club de Dhanbad: Hospital

Le Rotarien Gerry Powell, District 1210, Grande Bretagne, avait commence un projet pour la creation d'un hopital a Dhanbad pour s'occuper principalement de la chirurgie corrective suite a la polio ou a des accidents. Malheureusement il deceda avant que le projet soit realise. Son Club et celui de Dhanbad ont poursuivit son reve et aujourd'hui le Rotary Gerry Powell Mahaveer Jaipur Limb center s'occupe gratuitement des personnes ateintes de la Polio ou ayant accidentellement perdu un membre.

Gerry Powell was a Rotarian of UK, District 1210. He had the dream of opening an hospital to cater for those suffering from polio or needing some corrective surgery. Unfortunately he passed away before the project was realised. Both his Rotary Club and the Club of Dhanbad have pursue the said project and today the center provides for free the corrective surgery.

Plusieurs type de prothese sont fabriques et mis a la dispositon des malades necessiteux. Le Centre s'occupe d'enfants et d'adultes atteints de polio et leur procure des prothese artificiels au cout nominal de 25 USD. Les soins sont donnes gratuitement par le personnel soignant. Le chirurgien en charge est Docteur Manjit Singh qui est egalement le President du Rotary Club de Dhanbad. Plusieurs medecins et chirurgiens soignent les malades gratuitement. /
Different type of prosthesis are made at the center and given to those needing the same. The centre caters for polio infected disabled children/ adults providing them with artificial limbs at a nominal cost of 25USD each, done free of charge by the medical staff whose main orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Manjit Singh is also the President of the Rotary Club of Dhanbad. Several doctors and surgeons are providing free service to the patients…..we saw several patients who were given those artificial limbs during the day.

Plusieurs enfants attendent d'avoir leur prothese. Quelques enfants et adultes ont meme fait leur premier pas lors de notre visite. Une vision extraordinaire. Quelle joie!

Several children or even adults are still waiting to have their prothesis. We had the joy of seeing some of them standing up on their feet and walking for the first time. It was amaizing!.
Nous avons egalement pu assister a l'operation de trois personnes souffrant de la polio. La chirurgie corrective a ete un succes et dans un proche avenir ces personnes pourront se tenir debout!
Three persons did undergo surgery while we were at the center. The surgery was a sucess and hopefully they will soon be able to stand up on their feet and walk!

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